Tuesday 21 January 2014


First day in our new course called 'Installation art from modernity to post modernity'
We started the day by our facilitator asking 'why we like art?' and each one of us had our own reasons to give, such as: art gives me joy, its a way to communicate, it helps us express, art is limitless and so on, suddenly without realising, we all started talking about what art is, and we were mind mapping on the board and we all knew that it was going to be a never ending list.

First assignment- we were suppose to define what 'installation art' is and we were asked to pick out one installation that we really like and why we like it.

I chose Anish kapoor, it was very difficult for me to pick one of his structures. So, i talked about why i like his work and what his work is by giving two examples, first his most known and famous structure the 'cloud gate' and second the 'sky Mirror'.

I really like Anish kapoor's because his structures involve shapes colour and material. His work is installed in public places making the people apart of the installation, the people interact with the art. In most cases installation art is in museums and cannot be touched but Anish kapoor's work is in public allowing the public to respond to it, for example the could gate- you can walk under in and touch it n sit by it and experience the art first hand.
Another reason why i love his work is because it's massive and of urban monumental scale.

Writing about installation art

Second assignment- we were asked to chose a space with in our college building, and write about how the space was an art installation. without making any alterations to the space we had to title it and justify its title along with explaining how the space qualifies as an installation. This was a group activity by Barkha gupta (me), Anukool raman and Tushar pant. We felt that the window would make an interesting installation art and decided to elaborate futher.

we first did the basic conceptualising and i made the major mind map with all the points that had to be put in the final write up which faired out by anukool.

I wrote down the important aspects and the points.
And finally we finalised it :

CAGED FREEDOM It stays where it has to, but it moves where it wants. The light traces a path on the walls, through the floors and finally disappears at the end of the day. The installation depicts irony. It's like you're watching a live match going on, but you wish you were there. You feel freedom but it isn't quite the same as having it. The grill confines the freedom to be inside. At some times of the day the installation welcomes you to come and sit. In the loving warmth of the mid-day sun you arrive. It shows you many things but you can choose what to see. It shows you images of shimmering trees, dull building and lively beings moving about. Choose. Everyone interacts with installation at least subconsciously. You interact with the image it casts around it and you unknowingly become a part of it. You can touch the Aluminium frame and the grills. You can also touch the warmth. You feel connected with this warmth. This is the only way you are connected to the outside. The installation is not just restricted to the window. The light falling on the walls and the shadows people cast are also part of the installation. Every once in a while it treads a short distance. You can sit in front of it and lose track of time because you sit and stare and now you begin to see the stillness of things. In this state of stillness time flies. The view goes on and keeps going on only ending when you can't see any further. The best thing about this installation is that it gives YOU different perspectives to see. Everything that you SEE is subjective and the window respects everyone's point of view. A simple shape ,noticeable size and regular variation of shades of colour. Perfectly placed on the bottom of the wall. It' new but it does the trick.No matter how static it may seem, seeing it everyday one will realize that it isn't static at all. It's moving. The poem which was also written to support the installation. Light coming in, Eyes looking out, A world beyond, Black lines cut across, Confining thought and body. Wings shut inside restricted, to moral ground. Shadows outline the light coming in, a crude mimicry of it's geometric form. Inviting picture A play of perspective, Aluminium frame of eternal vision. Sun light, Keeping boredom warm, warm, behind the iron bars. Cruel glass Shutting in freedom, but letting hope fly free. Silent sir, Mystical doorway, to a garden on the air. Smell the cacophony of life in flowers fashioned from wind. White trees sailing, across the sky and bountiful fruit hanging from the ceiling of the world. But this meadow divine, is a dream untouched, a sweet vision beheld, by freedom, caged inside. caged inside. ( written by Tushar Pant)

After our lunch break we all discussed and shared our work, and it was amazing to see others work as well and how they talked about spaces they chose. our facilitator spoke about we looked and events and made stories with art installation and after today i can't wait for the next class.

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